Learn to count simple rhythms, identify keys, and listen for harmony as students discover the fun and the fundamentals of playing music as a group. Instruction time includes games and activities integrating note-reading skills with learning to hear musical movement. This two-week introduction to piano playing lets students bring their skills together in a recital on the final day of camp, with teacher accompaniment. Piano keyboard for practicing assigned parts at home required.
Price includes music book.
Group Piano Class
2nd - 4th
Ms. Emily
2nd - 4th Grades
Students build on skills introducing simple rhythms, keyboard geography, and listening for harmony, as they discover the fun and the fundamentals of playing music as a group. Instruction time includes games and activities integrating note-reading, writing skills, and learning to hear musical movement. As skills are built together as a class, students move into the basics of staff reading. Sessions will let students bring it all together in a recital on the final class day, with teacher accompaniment. Piano keyboard for practicing assigned parts at home required.
Price includes music books.
Group Piano Class
5th Grade and older
Ms. Emily
5th Grade and Older
Students build on skills introducing simple rhythms, keyboard geography, and listening for harmony, as they discover the fun and the fundamentals of playing music as a group. Instruction time includes games and activities integrating note-reading, writing skills, and learning to hear musical movement. As skills are built together as a class, students move into the basics of staff reading. Sessions will let students bring it all together in a recital on the final class day, with teacher accompaniment. Piano keyboard for practicing assigned parts at home required.